I live in Virginia with my parents, my sister Melinda, my cat Inky, and my dog Cocoa. I am 13 years old ,I just turned a teenager in December.
My favorite music band is NSYNC. I think they are all sooo cute!!! I also like The Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, 98 Degrees, TLC, Five, Nelly, Pink, Baha Men, Sisco, Brittany Spears and many others.
I guess you are wondering why I chose cats as the theme of my page. Well because I Love Cats!! Cats are cute, cuddley and you have to love them. They each have their own unique personality that makes them special. My cats name is Inky, he's 4 years old and looks like a Blue Russian. Inky is very special to our family. He runs our house and is very spoiled. There is a picture of him towards the bottom of the page if you would like to see what he looks like.
My room is decorated with cats also. I like sleeping in a room full of cats that watch over me. Makes me feel safe in the night. They are my guardian angels. I hope that everyone enjoys my page and my love for cats. Please sign my guest book and let me know what you think and if anyone wants to be a new friend let me know. I like to have new friends.
~Here are some of my favorite links~