Everybody Has A Dream


While in these days of quiet desperation,
As I wonder through the world in which I live.
I search everywhere for some new inspiration,
But it's more than cold reality can give.
If I need a cause for celebration,
Or a comfort I can use to ease my mind.
I rely on my imagination,
And I dream of an imaginary time.
I know everybody has a dream,
And this is my dream, my own.
Just to be at home, and to be all alone with you.
If I believe in all the words I'm saying,
And if a word from you can bring a better day.
Then all I have are these games I've been playing,
To keep my hope from crumbling away.
So let me lie and let me go on sleeping,
And I will lose myself in palaces of sand.
And all the fantasies that I have been keeping,
Will make the empty house easier to stand.
I know everybody has a dream,
And this is my dream, my own.
Just to be at home and to be all alone...with you.

*Author Unknown*

§§§§§§ Additional Links §§§§§§

~What Christ Said~
~Billie's Tarot~
~Golden Wedding Day~
~The Woman I Am~
~Sand Castle Dreams~
~Billies Numerology~
~Billies World~
~Bowhunter's Paradise~
~It's Poetry~
~Melinda's Rabbit Hole~
~For Our Anniversary~
~Lost Love~
~To Remember Me~
~Off Beat~
~A Mother's Prayer~

Graphics by Tess

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