The Woman I Am

The woman I am
Hides deep in me
Beneath the woman
I seem to be
She hides away
From the strangers eye
She is not known
To the passers by
She goes her way
The woman I seem
But the woman I am
Withdraws to dream
The woman I am
Goes carelessly
When love goes by
Does not seem to see
But the woman I am
Knows sudden fears
And hides more deeply
When love draws near
For love might look closely
Perhaps... and see
Here beneath the woman
I seem to be......

*author unknown*

~What Christ Said~
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~Billies Tarot~
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~Billies World~
~Bowhunter's Paradise~
~It's Poetry~
~Melinda's Rabbit Hole~
~For Our Anniversary~
~Lost Love~
~Everybody Has A Dream~
~To Remember Me~
~Off Beat~
~A Mother's Prayer~

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