
Forgive me Lord for I have sinned
I held so much hatred deep within
Take my hand and guide me along
If I follow your path I can't go wrong
Give me knowledge to understand
What I have is of the common man
Show me the light for I am blind
My eyes were closed as well as my mind
Give me faith in your word
Promises of heaven that I've heard
Praise the deeds of what I do
Living by the word of you
Bless my soul from being damned
Forever safe in your holy land
Guide me and protect me as your child of love
There is a place for me in heaven above..


~What Christ Said~
~Billie's Tarot~
~Golden Wedding Day~
~The Woman I Am~
~Sand Castle Dreams~
~Billies Numerology~
~Billies World~
~Bowhunter's Paradise~
~It's Poetry~
~Melinda's Rabbit Hole~
~For Our Anniversary~
~Lost Love~
~Everybody Has A Dream~
~To Remember Me~
~Off Beat~
~A Mother's Prayer~

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