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Welcome to my web site on Tarot.. I hope that you can find something that will educate you, fascinate you, and least but not last entertain you. Below you will find what I have wrote from doing research on the Tarot and you will also find many links to other web sites to give you further knowledge or enjoyment.
The Tarot deck can answer not only simple questions, but also the deeper questions that ultimately direct your life. Though there are many ways of approaching the Tarot, each individual must decide which way makes the most sense, feels the most comfortable and works the most effectively for them. The final judge of the true meaning of the Tarot is you. The Tarot is the key- and where there is a key there is a door. Beyond this door is where you will find the answers to all of your questions, be whatever they may be.

small bullet~HISTORY OF THE TAROT~small bullet
There are many theories as to where the origin of the Tarot began, but no one is for certain where and how the cards were first developed. Tarot has been pronounced several different ways, tare-oh' , tare'-oh, tare'-ut, and tah-row'. And since we don't have an idea as to what the divination of the word is, there is no "Correct" pronounciation, so you make your own choice. Our only factual knowledge of it existence of the Tarot dates back to only 1442, where a documentary reference to "trump" cards were recorded in an account book from the court of Ferrara in Italy. The earliest surviving examples of trump cards date from the same general time and place. The most popular theory is that the Tarot was invented in ancient Egypt and brought to Europe around the fourteenth century by wandering tribes of gypsies. Some authorities claim that the Tarot evolved from the yellow sticks used with the Chinese divination system called I Ching, some claim it was adapted from the legendary Book of Thoth, and yet others believe it was derived from that of the Cabala. Whatever its origin, it's clear that its symbolism on the cards is universal, speaking to people of all religious, ethnic or national backgrounds.

small bullet~THE DECK~small bullet
The Tarot deck contains 78 cards divided into two main sections- The Major Arcana, cards numbered 0-21, which are the power cards in the deck- each represents a stage of life with its challenges and rewards that each stage creates, and The Minor Arcana, which contains four suits of fourteen cards. The fourteen cards are ace-10, the four court cards, King,Queen,Page and Knight. The four suits are the Staffs, Pentacles, Swords and the Cups. The actual cards drawn have an important purpose for the reading as well as the position of the cards and the relationship that the cards have with each other. Some decks have completely different meanings and different names than other cards. There are alot of different styles for people likes and their purposes and some people use many decks to read from.

small bullet~THE SPREADS~small bullet
A spread is the way the cards are layed out to give a reading. It is also called a layout. There are several different layouts that are used in the Tarot and each layout requires a certain amount of cards and a special way in which they are layed and the order in which each card must be read. Each Spread or layout has it's own unique way of reading. Some give you a simple yes or no answer while others give you a more in depth reading providing answers to simple questions or the deep questions. Sometimes the cards that are layed down are reversed. Reversed means they are upside down and this can mean many things.It can mean that the true meaning of the card is multiplied or it can mean that is is oppisite of the cards meaning and it can mean it is more positive or more negative. As you learn the tarot and how to use the cards you will in turn learn how and which meaning the reversal card holds..
I hope that this has given you an insight into the Tarot. I am not an expert nor know everything there is to know about it.This is only what I have learned from my researches in the subject. Other people have different ideas to the history and how the cards are used. Below you will find many links to other web pages to go and explore and maybe learn more than I can provide, so please visit each one and enhance your senses.

~~~~~~~~ **Please Visit Mystinwolf** ~~~~~~~~

A good friend of mine has put up a site offering different kinds of readings and she and I both would like for you to drop by and check it out and if you like it please pass the word. To visit Mystinwolf's Spiritual page click HERE .


big bulletCard Meanings

Corwin's Tarot Site
Tells the Major Arcana Cards and their meanigs
Corwin's Tarot Site
Tells the Minor Arcana cards and their meanings
Tells the cards and their meanings
MoonRaven's Tarot Course
Tells the cards and their meanings
Astarte's TarotWeb
Psychic Landings Tarot Page
Tanja's Tarot
Ravensong's Tarot
Brief outline of card meanings
Tarot- The Fools Quest
Tarot Resource Page
minor arcana cards
Tarot Resource Page
Listing of the court cards

big bulletSpreads and Layouts

Corwin's Tarot Site
Give different spreads and how to use them and the meanings
Layout s FAQ
Answers your questions about layouts and gives spreads and their meanings
Arwen's Tarot Pages
Astarte's TarotWeb
Lair of the Blue Dragon's Tarot Page
Several spreads and instructions
Tanja's Tarot
Ravensong's Tarot
Tarot Spreads
Tarot: The Fools Quest
FAQ about Tarot Layouts
Tarot Resource Page

big bulletFree Readings

The Matrix Oracles
Gives readings on Astrology, The Tarot, I Ching, Runes, Numerology, Fortune Cookie, Friends and Lovers, Yes or No Oracle, The Word Oracle and the Electric Almanac
Offers free readings using Tarot, Runes, I-Ching, Biorythms, Bibliomancy and Stichomancy
Free Tarot readings using Past,Present and Future and The Celtic Cross
Tarot reader, Web Press Productions
Free online Tarot card reader
Annikin Divination Systems
Free Tarot and Rune Readings
Animal Spirit Cards
Free Reading using the Animal Spirit Cards
OshoZen Tarot

big bulletLearning The Tarot

Frequently asked questions about the Tarot and alt.tarot
Michele's Tarot Page
Misc info on the Tarot
Learning the Tarot
Learning the Tarot- An on-line course
Soulscapes Tarot Teacher
Lessons in the Tarot
Witchcraft Dawning Tarot Pages
Alot of info on the Tarot
Amber Tarot
Very informational page
Tarot Resource Page
Very informitive site for all interested in the Tarot
TAROT-The Fools Quest
Tarot Mystic
Tarot: The Fools Quest

big bulletTarot Decks and Books

The folly of the Alchemist
Tarot resources
Astarte's TarotWeb
U.S. Games System Inc.
Huge list of tarot cards and games available for purchase
Aecletic Tarot
Reviews on decks of Tarot cards
Alida Balsimelli Maccag
Italian store that has hundred's of decks and many other things
Tanja's Tarot
Deck Reviews
Tarot card decks reviewed, lots of info on the different decks

big bulletMISC LINKS

~What Christ Said~
~Golden Wedding Day~
~The Woman I Am~
~Sand Castle Dreams~
~Billies Numerology~
~Billies World~
~Bowhunter's Paradise~
~It's Poetry~
~Melinda's Rabbit Hole~
~For Our Anniversary~
~Lost Love~
~Everybody Has A Dream~
~To Remember Me~
~Off Beat~
~A Mother's Prayer~



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